Student BIOS

ZHENG Penggang

PhD in Atmospheric Environmental Science - 2024

Master of Science in Environmental Science, Shandong University/ B.S. in Environment Engineering, Lanzhou University


Supervisor:  Prof. WANG Zhe

Journal Publication
C. Yu, C, Z. Wang, M. Xia, X. Fu, W. Wang, Y. J. Tham, T. Chen, P. Zheng, H. Li, Y. Shan, X. Wang, L. Xue, Y. Zhou, D. Yue, Y. Ou, J. Gao, K. Lu, S.S. Brown, Y. Zhang, T. Wang (2020) Heterogeneous N2O5 reactions on atmospheric aerosols at four Chinese sites: improving model representation of uptake parameters.. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20, 4367-4378.(10.5194/acp-20-4367-2020).
Title Date Length Type and Location
Characteristics, sources of oxygenated organic molecules and their contribution to secondary organic aerosol formation in Hong Kong 2020-05-07 10 iminutes department seminar via Zoom
Teaching Assistant
Semester Course Code Course Title Class Size
2019-20 Fall ENVR 2020 Urban Air Pollution 29
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