Student BIOS

CUATON Ginbert

PhD in Environmental Science, Policy and Management - 2024

B.A. Social Sciences (Political Science), University of the Philippines Visayas Tacloban College


Supervisor:  Prof. YARIME Masaru       Co-Supervisor: Prof. SU Yvonne

Journal Publication
G.P. Cuaton, Y. Su (2020) Local-indigenous knowledge on disaster risk reduction: Insights from the Mamanwa indigenous peoples in Basey, Samar after Typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction/ Elsevier Ltd., 48,
G.P. Cuaton, Y. Su (2020) Indigenous Peoples and the COVID-19 Social Amelioration Program in Eastern Visayas, Philippines: Perspectives from Social Workers. Journal of Indigenous Social Development/ The University of Calgary, 09, pp. 43-52.
G.P. Cuaton, L.J. Caluza, JFV Neo (2021) A topic modeling analysis on the early phase of COVID-19 response in the Philippines. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction/ Elsevier Ltd., 61,
Conference Paper
G.P. Cuaton & Y. Su (2020) Indigenous Peoples and the COVID-19 Social Amelioration Program in Eastern Visayas, Philippines: Perspectives from Social Workers ​, 2020 National Conference of the Philippine Sociological Society: Transitions, Transgressions, Transformations, Philippines.
Title Date Length Type and Location
Is Sustainability a realistic objective for society?​ 2020-10-12 1 hour Class Presentation
Everyday Adaptations to Climate Change: The Role of Cultural Memory and Social Capital Networks of an Indigenous Cultural Community in the Philippines 2021-06-10 30 minutes Online Summer Workshop hosted by the University of Michigan thru ZOOM
Teaching Assistant
Semester Course Code Course Title Class Size
2020-21 Spring SUST1000 Introduction to Sustainability 55
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