Student BIOS

CHEN Hanzhe

PhD Candidate in Atmospheric Environmental Science

B.Sc. in Environmental Chemistry, Xiamen University


Supervisor:  Prof. YU Jianzhen

Research Topic  
Award Name Year
RedBird Academic Excellence Award for Continuing PhD Students in 2021/22 2022
Journal Publication
Wu Yuling, Ya Miaolei, Chen Hanzhe, Li Yongyu, Guo Weidong, Wang Xinhong (2019) Distribution and isotopic composition of sedimentary black carbon in a subtropical estuarine-coastal region of the western Taiwan Strait: Implications for tracing anthropogenic inputs. Science of The Total Environment, 684, 509-518,
Wu Yuling, Wang Xinhong, Ya Miaolei, Li Yongyu, Liu Yihao, Chen Hanzhe (2020) Spatial-temporal distribution and transport flux of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a large hydropower reservoir of Southeast China: Implication for impoundment impacts. Environmental Pollution, 257,
Miaolei Ya, Yuling Wu, Li Xu, Yongyu Li, Hanzhe Chen, Xinhong Wang (2021) Compound-specific radiocarbon reveals sources and land–sea transport of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in an urban estuary. Water Research, 198, 117134,
Qiongqiong Wang, Shan Wang, Yuk Ying Cheng, Hanzhe Chen, Zijing Zhang, Jinjian Li, Dasa Gu, Zhe Wang, and Jian Zhen Yu (2022) Chemical evolution of secondary organic aerosol tracers during high-PM2.5 episodes at a suburban site in Hong Kong over 4 months of continuous measurement. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, 11239-11253,
Siquan Wang, Guanghui Ding, Yihao Liu, Zhiyuan Dou, Hanzhe Chen, Miaolei Ya, Xiaoping Lin, Qin Li, Yongyu Li, XinhongWang (2022) Legacy and emerging persistent organic pollutants in the marginal seas of China: Occurrence and phase partitioning. Science of The Total Environment, 827, 154274,
Tao Li, Hanzhe Chen, Jimmy C.H.Fung, Damgy H.L.Chan, Alfred L.C.Yu, Kenneth K.M.Leung, Jian Zhen Yu (2022) Large presence of bromine and toxic metals in ambient fine particles from urban fires. Atmospheric Environment, 295,
Conference Paper
Hanzhe CHEN, Ka Yuen CHEUNG, Jianzhen YU (2021) Hourly Measurements of Metals in PM2.5 at a Suburban Site in Hong Kong: Abundance, Seasonal Variation, and Source Characterization, AGU Fall Meeting 2021, US.
Teaching Assistant
Semester Course Code Course Title Class Size
2020-21 Fall SUST 1000 Introduction to Sustainability 53
2021-22 Fall EVSM 5220 Advanced Environmental Chemistry 29
2021-22 Spring SUST 1000 Introduction to Sustainability 58
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